Thursday, August 27, 2009

By the way (Adam)

The only way to tell if anybody is reading this is if you leave comments--you shouldn't have to register or anything, if you just select "Name/URL" under "Comment as." I'm just saying.

Btw, people in this part of the country are REALLY NICE. If they even think you need help with something, they offer. I'm kind of inclined that way myself, but around here I realize I hold back a good bit of the time, because oftentimes in the Northeast it's perceived as intrusive or something.

What day is it?


  1. Hey Ms. B - for better or worse, I passed along the link for this blog to the SPL book club - so no trashing us online. We missed your take on Updike last night. Happy trails.


  2. Bill, originally from Chicago and Colorado and only in NE under protest, has been telling me for years that people in other places are much nicer. Maybe we'll vacation in Michigan next year........

  3. Hey Folks, Happy to know you are really doing it! I'm enjoying your trip vicariously. Carry on...

  4. Your style of family growth makes us proud to know you. BTW, have you seen the Griswalds?

  5. this is fun to check in your journey, I've been reading since the start, the cultural comments: people are Scando-looking and really nice, that's interesting, wonder what they'll be like in Idaho? White and maybe not so nice? On the west side of Spokane, i used to stop in by Sprague, and then a little out of town to the west to a lake with picnic tables etc, I recall it was kind of a pleasant place
