So, friends, you have likely gathered by now that we made it to Washington in one piece, and then just got too lame (and schnockered) to keep posting. It's true. We left Gardiner, Montana on Tuesday morning and drove through the rest of Montana and into Idaho. We finally crossed into Washington State late Tuesday afternoon, and limped into the warm, soft lap of Ben and Pat Groff (Adam's brother and sister-in-law) around 11 p.m. It was a strange feeling to have finished the journey - on the one hand, I never need to see the inside of another Econo-lodge or gas-station bathroom as long as I live. On the other hand, it was an amazing adventure, a lovely chunk of time with our remarkable children, and I was sorry to see the end of it.
We woke up Wednesday to good coffee and the very fine company of the Lynnwood Groffs, and then set off up north to visit Adam's friend Seth and his wife Elise and their girls on their farm. There were goats, deep conversation, and a Wii, to Jed's great pleasure. They are an amazing family and I can't wait to see them again. On the way back to Seattle we stopped at Adam's brother Matthew's blueberry farm, which you could see pictures of here if Adam hadn't left his laptop at the airport in Seattle. Whoops! Stay tuned for more of that adventure.
As we left the farm, I got a call from home, which was somewhat miraculous in itself since I have had virtually no service through the whole trip. It was Arleen letting me know that our mare Molly Brown, who as many of you know was an astonishingly lovely animal, had died earlier that day of colic. Thursday night was spent earnestly trying not to cry, and enjoying the hospitality of Adam's friend Eugene, who comforted me with scotch.
Friday was the reason for the whole shin-dig, the celebration of the wedding of my nephew Karl to the lovely and patient Michelle. All five Groff boys represented, as did many of their associated kin and friends. Again, a picture of me on the floor with the girls would be nice here - you'll just have to wait.
Saturday we returned to Matthew's blueberry farm where we picked and ate until our fingers were blue and our tummies ached, but what a treat! The kids got to play with their cousin Alondra, who is a year older than Jed, a rare treat since all the other cousins are so much older (so I get to play with them!).
Sunday was a mad scramble to meet Eugene in Seattle for brunch, get the rental car back, and get to the airport, where aforementioned laptop mishap occurred. Finally, the kids' first flight, an exercise in patience for all involved, and a very, very late night return home.
So, that's it, kind readers. We will post pictures as soon as they are retrieved, and I hope that Adam will add more musings on the Groff family time, but I must now dig myself out from under the pile of work that has been accumulating on my desk and in my email. Be well, and thanks for following us on our great adventure.
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